James Thomas Serres - Online Memorial Website

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James Serres
Born in United States
40 years
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Jim Olson

I just now found about James's passing (1-6-10) and I am deeply saddened. James was such a "COOL DUDE". He was a Fun Loving REBEL, but yet so Mellow to hang around with.  


Today was a very SAD day for me because I found out that the World lost a Great Person on 8-12-06 and I didn't even know it. When you move out of state in my case San Diego you lose touch with a lot of people. I will never forget that James was a fighter and I know that he Fought until the end of his battle that took him from Us here.


All of the memories listed above I can See being attributed to James. Especially #1 that I could see him doing whenever the chance presented itself.


I wish I had 1 more chance to see you James. You were 1 of kind Cool. I'll remember you forever. R I P My Brother. Long Live "The Saturday Night"


All the Best to the Entire Serres Family. Those I have met and to those I have not.


Sincerely yours


Jim Olson

(a.k.a. "Birdnose")

Stacey Serres-wife

1. He didn’t miss an opportunity to get together with friends and reminisce
about the teenage years
2. He had a beautiful sense of humor
3. He loved to watch me clean the house
4. He was romantic – He said “I love you” so very often
5. He was great at making me feel beautiful every day
6. He cried so lovingly as he held me after his transplant
7. He was a proud papa and always let Ashley know so
8. He lived so very well “In The Moment” – The signature of his being
9. He had a kind and gentle nature
10. He taught me to relax and not be so busy
11. He was passionate and kind
12. He had a beautiful face – I still see it in my mind – every day
13. He gathered friends like a magnet - each drawn to his personality
14. He was socially warm and friendly to everyone, great chatter
15. He had an unending sense of happiness that he was still here..a survivor
16. He loved to play with the dogs everyday
17. He was so very fun to be around
18. He was always thoroughly involved in what ever task he was performing
19. He was sensitive
20. He was loving
21. He loved nascar
22. He loved his friends
23. He loved his family
24. He loved his Ashley…more than air
25. He loved me – and I loved him –

Stacey Serres
James never left the house in the morning without telling me how beautiful I was or hitting my butt and telling me how tight it was.  I miss him so so much. 
Stacey Serres

James and I met as patient and nurse.  The first time we met we talked for hours like we were long lost friends.  I knew the instant that he left the office that I would be with him forever.  I know that even though he is now with God in heaven he is still here with me.  James always told me that he prayed for me and God sent me to him but I believe that we prayed for each other.  I will never forget that day that God brought us together and I can't wait until he brings us together again. 

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